Achieve adherence to national regulations

Achieve compliance to international standards

Lower cost of operations

Provide workers safer and better conditions of work.

The investment needs can be in any of the following areas:

Safety Retrofits

Areas of safety retrofit are:

Environmental Upgradation

Typical areas of environmental upgradation are:

  • Energy efficiency (for example: boiler economizer, waste heat recovery, servo motors).
  • Water efficiency (for example: cold pad dyeing process, cooling water re-use).
  • Resource efficiency (for example: automatic chemical dosing plants, caustic soda recovery plant)
  • Waste Management (for example: effluent treatment plants, recycling of solid waste)

Social Upgradation

Typical areas of social upgradation are:

  • Workplace facilities (for example: Canteen, Day care center, Medical center, Toilets)
  • Working environment (for example: ergonomic workstations, illumination quality, noise control, temperature control, ventilation)

For detailed understanding of how some of the technologies can benefit you please see our CASE STUDIES SECTION