Stakeholder Consultation Workshop & Way Forward

The Stakeholder Consultation Workshop & Way Forward’ was organized by SREUP aimed at discussing future initiatives of SREUP and the planning for the future of the credit facility in Bangladesh. The event was sponsored by KfW.

The stakeholder consultation workshop generated considerable attendance from a diverse range of participants, including prominent Government Officials from The Department of Finance, The Economic Relations Division, The Ministry of Finance; and Planning Commission of Bangladesh as well as development partners; European Union and The Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Also in attendance were representatives from Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs), as well as consultants from the Independent Technical Assessor and the Global Consultation Consultant (GCC) team.

Cheque Distribution Ceremony & Workshop on Investment Grant Disbursement Mechanism

On December 12, 2023, the SREUP project, supported by development partners; the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), European Union in Bangladesh (EU), KfW Development Bank (KfW), The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), organized a “Cheque Distribution Ceremony and Workshop on Grant Disbursement Mechanism.” This event brought together key stakeholders including PFIs and RMG factories involved in safety retrofit, environmental, and social upgrade projects. Its main objectives were to facilitate grant disbursement ceremony and foster experience sharing among grant-receiving RMG factories, loan fund recipients, and enlisted PFIs.

Factory Visit

SREUP organized a ‘Factory Visit’ supported by the AFD -Agence Francasie de Development, European Union in Bangladesh (EU), KfW Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and implemented by Bangladesh Bank.

The event involved the SREUP Project Steering Committee, Project Implementation Committee members, PFIs, Independent Technical Assessors, and GCC members who implemented safety retrofit, environmental, and social upgrade projects. The objective was to showcase sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in an RMG factory funded by SREUP credit line. Members of the committees, PFI representatives, SREUP PMU officials, Independent Technical Assessors, and GCC team actively participated in the day-long event.

Unlocking Insights: Environment & Social (E&S) Reporting and Grant Disbursement Workshop

The “Unlocking Insights: Environment & Social (E&S) Reporting and Grant Disbursement Workshop” organized by SREUP, funded by development partners including Agence Française de Développement (AFD), European Union in Bangladesh (EU), KfW Development Bank (KfW), The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Government of Bangladesh (GoB, brought together key stakeholders.

PFIs and their RMG clients collaborated to invest in safety retrofit, environmental, and social upgrades in factories financed by SREUP. The event aimed to establish a common understanding of responsive E&S reporting practices and the SREUP grant disbursement mechanism, with reflections on current reporting practices. Participants included PFIs, RMG clients availing pre-finance facilities, and those newly applying for such facilities. The clarity provided on E&S reporting components and grant disbursement mechanisms was widely appreciated by all attendees.